Nice idea
Cool idea and O Fortuna rocks my socks (although other movements of Carmina Burana too often get overshadowed by O Fortuna). Unfortunately, I have a bit of bias against this track, as I have heard an electronic version of this before by the absolutely amazing band Era.
1)The sound is etremely muffled. The choir drowns out everything.
2)Since the techno and the actual O Fortuna recording are from different sources, they must be mixed together well, which you have made a decent effort to do here, but it just doesn't cut the mustard.
3)It repeats waaaaayyy too much. You need more variety. The best parts ofg O Fortuna I didn't even hear in this song.
Overall cool idea, but you don't use enough of the source and the production end is lacking a little bit. A little practice with more tunes like this and healthy dose of Era (Which I strongly suggest if you want to mix choir and techno) and maybe O Fortuna can come from you in a much more polished state!
I want to hear more like this. But better! Keep it up!